Manual stretch films
Prestretch and stretch films for manual use. We offer films with a thickness of 7 to 20 microns. We offer tube-free, pre-stretched, transparent and colored stretch films as well as printed films

Tubeless stretch film is a direct response to the needs of our customers and EU recommendations in the field of environmental protection. Everything has been achieved without any loss of quality and usability of the film.

Manual prestretch film is an economical alternative to ordinary stretch films. Extremely efficient and easy to apply.
Machine stretch films
Machine stretch film dedicated to both wrappers with frictional stretching of the film (prestretch or nano stretch films) and high-stretch films for use on wrappers with motorized stretch film.

Machine stretch films with a thickness of 20 or 23 microns. With a guaranteed stretch of 180% to 300%.

Machine prestretch foil is a modern and economical pre-stretched stretch foil, thanks to which we are able to reduce the costs of securing the pallet by up to 50% compared to traditional foil.

POLISTRETCH are machine stretch films for the 21st century. These are films with a thickness ranging from 10 to 15 microns. Durable, flexible and economical.